Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Going Away...

We had my going away party on Sunday. It wasn't as sad as I thought it would be. Lots of people asked me over and over if I was excited. My answer: So Far. Everyday I get closer to leaving. My excitement levels are going down and my nervous levels are going up. I know its just nerves. I'm realizing that I won't see my baby cousin for a year, won't play gaga with the cousins and friends, I won't go to the Dairy Bar, won't be in church for an entire year. Its not that I'm sad to go to Belgium, I'm sad to leave America..... Anyway, my party was great. Nobody needed stitches and the food was pretty stinkin good. Right before my Uncle Bob blessed to food I realized how many people were there. Quite a few (like 150). I know some of them just came for my moms cooking but some of them came to see me one last time. It gives you a warm fuzzy feeling on the inside.

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